Thursday, January 28, 2016

Rejected Man: Rejected Man

Rejected Man: Rejected Man: Under a full moon and lowered sky The earth moves And the moon sweeps the ground. I am a proud and rejected man That speaks her name i...

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Good & Bad Relationships


We know ourselves through our own experience, who are we except what we perceive ourselves to be? No amount of pretense can make us be what we are not. There is no remedy for that which we can not control or accept. Happiness is accepting life as it truly is and accepting others for exactly who they are. Positive thinking can change facts. Know your strengths but always focus on the positive. Do not hide your true nature, true identity or true feelings. It's a losing battle trying to conform to other peoples visions. Finding oneself equates to loving oneself. Love is patience and kindness and bears all things. How can you love anyone unless you first love yourself?
Whether your searching for friendship, romance, intimacy or compatibility, be yourself and not a fake. Speak openly, share your thoughts, work on conflicting issues and don't let other friendships negatively impact your relationships. Genuine communication can be like therapy, promoting positive results.

A relationship is a journey with inevitable ups and downs. Problems creep in-connection gets pushed apart. Sadness does not necessarily make us unhappy. If you are hurt, do not hold sadness in. Don't let emotions run away with you. Be patient, quick to apologize and slow to blame. Figure out the problem by verbalizing and listening to each others feelings and concerns. Making up is an ongoing process of ups and downs. Some people never change and you may have to decide if you will accept them with flaws and all. Ultimately we need to have control of where a relationship is going. If we want to be romantic, we have to help others to feel to be romantic. If we want friendships, we have to help others to be friendly. Smiles are good for the body chemistry creating a calming effect. Enjoy life to the fullest of each moment. My book Positive Romance by Rudy Lopez deals with issues of relationships with encouraging and compromising attitudes. It is available on any major online bookstore or you may request it at your local library. I strongly recommend it.
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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Lady of the Creek: Lady of the CreekI went ouside the cityTo a garden...

Lady of the Creek: Lady of the CreekI went ouside the cityTo a garden...: Lady of the Creek I went ouside the city To a garden full of beauty. It was in the Fall The trees there were Oh..! so ...

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Attitude: Loopholes to heaven

Attitude: Loopholes to heaven:                                                        Loopholes to Heaven She and I are two creatures Struggling for survival Fac...

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Attitude: Transitory Gloom

Attitude: Transitory Gloom:  The Deadbeat Time is not geared to human life Nor to obeying orders Of human nature Emptiness surrounds him He spends days with...

Sunday, November 1, 2015

That's My Love
I heard him say,
He's trying to hold on,
To her precious love.
He might be smiling a bit too much.
His eyes have better see,
That's my love.
Might save a little trouble,
Because she's like a cat in the dark,
Who promised me heaven.

The sweetest silence I've ever heard,
Is written on her face.
I can see the tracks,
Of her tears,
Of happiness.
But it's going to take,
A lot of love,
To make her dreams come true.
Maybe next time,
She will think harder,
About falling in love.
She started to reject me,
Much too late.
Love is an addiction,
Sets the soul on fire,
And I'm never going to let her go.
I'll take her to a place,
Where lovers go,
To buy a dream or two.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

A Useless Happiness

A man with the brain of a child,
Hidden in the bathroom,
On the pot,
Fumbling at a towel,
With an excess of feeling,
He grins as he thinks;
recalling memories of her;
Sitting by a pot of hot coffee,
Curling her lips
With each drink.

Muteness to feed a hidden world
Hugging her secrets.
A whimsical cursing
Which never seems forced.

She must come to him
Having disobeyed his law
Of not keeping secrets.
He could pick a fight;
That'll hex her,
There is always something in that

They are tied in a knot;
Two who share one space
With the coarse essentials
And a useless happiness
That answers only to them.